First listening to this song/video wile looking at these photo's is a complete must. Press play right now.
Horses are more likely to eat things (like medicine) if their palates have been expanded.
My old girls Naigens favorite treat was a Banana. She would happily close her eyes and smack the squishy fruit around with this complete content look. All was right in her world when she had a banana. She also thoroughly enjoyed banana horse likits.
Indigo funnily HATED bananas with a passion, until a day or two after Naigen passed away. Every time I offered to share my banana with her she would act like I was trying to poison her. I had a whole ton of Bananas left for Naigen. I brought one out to see who would eat it and Indigo hoovered it out of my hand. Now she can't get enough.
My friend Korinne happily obliged to feed Indigo a Banana for this weeks challenge but not before doing some silly stuff. She was the one by the way, that was the friend with me when we were throwing frozen bananas at the other friend in the bathtub. We get into way too much trouble when we are together.
Please do not feed horses the peel as it can cause tummy upset!
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, banana phone!
Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding, banana phoooonnnneee!
It grows in bunches, I've got my hunches.
It's the best, beats the rest.
Cellular, modular, interactive, odular
My cellular, bananular phoooonnneee
:-)) Very funny and very creative!
Too funny, never heard of a horse eating a banana before. :)
ROFLMAO!!! I love this song!!! Great shots too..:-)
Too cute! Our husky wolf likes bananas. I'm not sure what his northern ancestors would say about it. He must be a tropical wolf!
Ha! I tried bananas on my horses for this post too, but only got disgusted looks from them.
I did not know horses like bananas! How cute are they!
Horses like all sorts of foods. Cherries (although the pits, leaves and wood are poisonous to them) rank amongst the top very closely followed by bananas.
LOL! Very creative!
That song just made my day! I'm going to replay it for my daughter later. Know I want a banana phone, too. Trouble with you having a banana phone is that Indigo might try to eat it when you've got your back turned. hehe!
Baby Doll always spit out banana that I fed her, but she was picky about most everything. SHe didn't even like treats that were flavored with apples or carrots. They had to be the real thing. She even spit out peppermints.
My neighbor's mare like bananas. It's funny to see how they lick and num, num, num it around in her mouth. The texture must be very odd for horses at first.
Great post! Your friend's a good sport and has some unusual and funny expressions. What fun you gals must have together. :-D
Oh dang that song will be playin' in my head for the rest of the day!!! Great post Sydney!
Love it!!!!
Great video and photo series. Haven't shared a banana with my gelding yet, but my Sheltie insists on the last bite when I eat one.
Very creative thinking here. You win the prize for the most interesting!
cool..I knew someone would be feeding their horses something! Our Border Collie likes Apples..bananas not so much:)
My dog Savanah absolutely loves Bananas. She hears me cracking one open and comes running.
Great post. Loved it!
That is so funny. I have never thought of offering my horses a banana! lol
Hillarious! Bananular phone. Great narrative photos hun you always make my day with your creativity. Well shot, and well written. I don't think you were around when we had our Dalmations, but your sister was. Benji used to almost do backflips when I made banana bread. I think Banana's are my favorite fruit.
Hahahaha!!! That's great!!! :)
How is Naigens and Beethovon alike?
They both love bananananana,
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