That leaves this week. I never realized I take SO MANY pictures where I use the rule of thirds. All the time. I mean a lot of pictures. I could have included hundreds, no lie!
Rule of thirds is an interesting concept. The other two thirds are normally uncluttered and unfocused leading the eye right to the subject. Sometimes the subject is blurred. These pictures minus one have all been posted in other posts. I just love them I think they are worthy of being posted and mentioned again so here it goes.
Which one is your favorite? Why?
Happy Sunday stills.
these are great, my favourite is the 1st photo because you eyes are drawn straight to the eye of the horse and then lead to the eye lashes & then the maine
it's great
Great shots..:-)
Great shots girl! One thing I've noticed since I switched to a digital camera is that it sure is easy to take an awful lot more pictures :o)
I love your pics. If I had to pic a favorite I would say the first. I just love the peace you find looking in a horses eye...the second is great too.
Nice job. Love the old grave stone. :)
Those are great photos. I don't have a favorite.
Nicely done, while I love the eye photo, I think my fave is the old gravestone, because it sets a mood and hints of a story.
They are great! I love that second shot! I sure know what you mean about busy! I get off of blogging when I get so busy, which will be soon again because of the gardens coming ready.
How can you pick a favorite? All are great! I always (probably incorrectly) think of the rule of thirds as the "Golden Mean" in photography and painting. It works everytime to draw the eye in to what you want the viewer to see. Well done!
great shots. thanks for more insight into the rule of thirds. I love the first shot - elegant looking. I love the horse grazing, too.
I think my favorite is the second with the horse in the grass although I couldn't tell you why. It just made me smile.
Thanks for all your comments. I really could not choose but like a lot of others the first one is one of my favorite pictures I have ever taken.
I guess my comment didn't go through before.
My favorite was the horse in the grass #2. It just looks like a very happy horse. My second favorite was #1, it's just a beautiful picture.
I like the first two best and I guess it's because they are excellent shots.
1st one is superb!! amazing tone and perfect to the theme we got, so creative
Beautiful pictures, but I'd have to say the second one is my favorite. I think the reasons are obvious--a beautiful gray horse. What more is there? :)
I think I like the first one the best. It's very peaceful although the tombstone has a story behind it for sure.
I really love the first and second photos; especially the tall grass around your horse.
Well the first photo is just stunning..but I think my favorite is Indigo in the seems like such a serene photo..well done:)
Great shots and rule of thirds.
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