All the windows in the barn are dirty and or broken. A good majority are opaque plastic so the horses/cows could not break them.
Especially dirty is this one in the calf barn where Indigo and Sheba
I was grooming Indigo the other day when part of the window in the old milk house came crashing to the ground (but suprisingly did not smash into pieces), scaring the living daylights out of me.
Then theres this lightbulb out in the barnyard.
I love old barn windows, even the broken ones. They have such character just like the old weathered red wood around it. It tells a story of the years it withstood all sorts of weather wile letting sunlight in. Now birds crash into it because the top is open and the bottom isn't. Silly birds.
For more glass pictures check out Sunday stills
Love that last photo.
Cool shots, I like the weathered barn.
Great photos! Recognize the setting too.
Love the light bulbs especially - and the red barn paint. :)
I love them all but the last one is my favorite!
Your take on the glass project is very unique. Great shots.
Great shots, especially like the lightbulb, a very interesting item.
Love the photos and the bitless bridle! I ride in one too, you can add me to your list if you like. I will be back to follow you.
Oh I liked them all even the watery light bulb..nice series of photos! :)
Your barn and broken windows and crazy light bulb reminds me of our barn. I really need to wash the windows to let the sun in this winter! Thanks for sharing the photos - all are great.
Excellent. I liked them all and the post under Glass as well.
the barn window stands out, old but still bright n red :)
Nice glass pictures. That light bulb looks unique and old. I love the picture of the horse sticking out their tongue in the post before this one.
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