Fill in the blanks

I am thinking something along the lines of crazy humans and horse eating pota-potties of doom and not fitting in such a small, smelly place.
Today's random Sydney and Indigo investigate a porta-potty picture brought to you by Sarah
Today's random Sydney and Indigo investigate a porta-potty picture brought to you by Sarah
You gotta do what you gotta do ;)
Just for the record I did not use it. It was DISGUSTING because of the construction workers using it all week who worked on the turbines.
You just never know what folks might come up with to do with their horses. LOL
I think the smell would be enough to spook a human. Poor horsey. ;)
Something smells bad...hmmmm.
Poor Indigo....walk away!
I'm picturing Indigo wearing a gasmask in that photo. *snort*
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