This is a hand forged clasp at the local John. R. Park homestead.

A lot of the detailing of the barns and other buildings at J.R.Park are original right down to hand made nails to pound on the fixtures which I learned to make in the forge there.
This was me working in the forge a couple summers ago, complete with soot on my forhead.
It's a super neat old place with wonderful staff that are great about bringing modern civilization back in time to one of the first homesteads in our area.
This was me working in the forge a couple summers ago, complete with soot on my forhead.
For more high and low tech things check out Sunday stills
I hear you on finding the time for this challenge.
That is so cool or should I say HOT that you got to work with a forge.
Here is Mine
Well done..:-)
thats a neat one, not even set side by side, just naturally two in one picture. I would like to try a forge one time it looks like fun but hard.
I love how you didn't even need to set up the photo. Good eye for capturing it.
But phooey on thieves and no-gooders!
Must be fun to forge your own iron. I think soot comes with the territory, though. hehe!
Way cool, Sydney, the hubby has an old forge that he loves to fiddle with when he gets the time.(which isn't often)
Well done! I love the look of the old hasps..days gone by when things were made better! Great photo of you..soot and all:)
That was different, glad you found the time.
love the lock idea! You look great on the forge!
What a cool place!!
I love old places like that. You look like a natural hammering away there. Nice pictures for your challenge.
Photographer, rider, blacksmith?! Is there anything you don't do? LOL! Great photos - and cool history.
Great subject!
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