I have been too busy to take pictures of what else has been going on. Breaking horses, finishing other ones, cleaning stalls but not baling hay yet. Thats a whole other story.
Made a stone boat, drove Indigo with it and picked up rocks in the field. Let me tell you I love this horse. I think she must have been a plow horse in another life. Shes super smart that one. Also for another post.
Heres just an example of some different style key chains I have not posted here before. These have varying prices as some take a lot more time than others to make.
Oh and the webbing of a dream catcher. Not key chain related but still cool with an old horse shoe instead of a loop and leather.
This goes to show you my horse hair pieces are really only limited by your imagination. I don't think lately that I have done two pieces of the same design. People are getting creative, I like it.
Stay tuned a science vs tradition post and another bitless guest blog story on the way.
Pretty awesome stuff!
Those are so cool Sydney!
How long does the hair need to be?
I think i would like one for my new trucks key chain...of course-Red/White/Blue beads or string~
let me know.
I did not have the guts to ride the beach (actual)bitless this time with new riders/horses around me. She gets to diving/rooting under it and I can't stop her. I will eventually do it tough. She did well the first night's ride..on the bay..I prefer it always~
Wow, you're a talented gal. Love your hair creations and the dreamcatcher horse shoe.
Those are great! I still have a lock of curly baby hair from Yalla! I'm thinking...
Sydney the hair jewelry is lovely!!! That is absolutely the perfect thing for horse lovers. I have tail hair from my long ago mare. You are really talented!
Beautiful. I really like the horse shoe/ God's eye
Nice work- especially like the one with the foal hair.
Woo - Awesome creations girl! I like the second one :o)
Wow, you're a talented gal.
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Thanks guys. All these pieces have been sent to their owners. They are each unique and interesting.
Oh man....this just makes me want to see the items you made for me so long ago, even more. (pout)
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