I like my car.
It's kinda dirty. I think cats were walking across it again.
There's a rasp in the passenger side floor because I keep forgetting it's there. It worked it's way under the seat and I forgot about it.
Theres some scratches and scrapes (from before I drove it thank you very much).
My rear view mirror air freshener dangles there as my car mascot.
The windows offer some interesting reflections.
Though I do like my car I would much rather have a truck. I enjoy the mornings at my one barn that I get to drive the big beast Chevy dually to the feed store a couple towns over and get grain.
Especially red trucks. My dad has always had red trucks. I like red trucks.
The funny thing about this is after all this transportation is done we load our horses up in a trailer to take them places. Call it the modern irony of automobiles; transporting the transportation.
Very good! I love my car also, but I defiantly have to agree that I would rather have a truck, I do have a farm truck to drive, and I had a nice truck for my car but when gas prices went up decided to get a car.
Neat photos...
I have a car and a truck. Even tho my car is much fancier, I feel safer driving the truck. I also prefer stick shifts as I have only ever had one automatic.
I love your blog :-)
My horse and I are attempting to go bit free as well (our second attempt. My fault for not sticking with it he first time..Grrr). My guy is an old man who only works very lightly. This is something I want to do for him :-)
I have a friend who gave me a nylon Nurtural bridle. She bought it for an autistic kid she works with to ride her old mare, but found he likes using a halter and lead better. She of course, still rides in a bit. I've tried to get her to wear a helmet for years and she won't (thinking she is safe on her older horses). I doubt I'd change her thoughts much on bit riding...
Her loss is our gain though...as the Nurtural seems to fit Grif just fine and he rides pretty good with it now that I've figured out how to best adjust it :-)
My hubby has three trucks! I have a van. Love my van. Cars are too short for me and trucks are too big. Great blog post! Happy Sunday Stills to you!
I like the creative shots, and the last one especially! **I have a red truck**
Ha! "Transporting the transportation." So true!!
I love my vehicles, though. My truck has been very good to me despite me being not so good to it. My car is very nice for commuting to work, or to go on non-horse road trips, although it has hauled grain in the trunk for me on more than one occassion :)
Interesting photos of your car. I really like that last one, too. The black cat and red truck is stunning together.
Good post Sydney. I love the comment about transporting the transportation....good one.
Great shots, love the rasp on the floor board. Nice time for a self portrait.
Nice reflection shot!
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