If you were around last year you would remember what happens to pumpkins around here after they have been lit.
If not please indulge in last years Sunday stills post on Halloween pumpkins you won't be disappointed.
So once you have read that post you can only imagine the fate of our little friend here. Indigo had just discovered that he was around.
Have a fun and safe Halloween everyone.
So cute! I love it!
Ha, ha. Great photos and tasty too I bet! :)
Happy Halloween!!
from the heart of Texas
That is one small pumpkin compared to Indigo!
What great photos! Happy Halloween!
Hilarious! Thanks for the giggle :) I just adore Indigo..
xo, misha
DING! Time's up. I'm thinking that little round dude on the right is about to be toast ;o)
Adorable! Love the "Oh no, Mr Bill" face on the pumpkin. Maybe you are too young to get that reference! Indigo is the cutest.
I don't think the pumpkin is going to be around much longer. Loved the Devil and the Horshoe story. Sydney I will e-mail you soon about the horse hair, I'm still wanting your handi work also I want to ask you about Bitless Bridles.
haha what a tiny pumpin!
LOL, thriller playing, perfect.
That explains why Laz chomped on my picked butternut squash a month ago. I was shocked that he just gobbled it..I did take it away b/c I figured it had sugars in it? Darn..
LOVE the pics :)
Great post from last year. I've never fed my horses pumpkins and the whole worming thing is really interesting.
Cute pictures from this year, guess the poor pumpkin never had a chance.
My guys haven't had pumpkins...or squash. Hmmm, I just happen to have a few volunteers from the compost pile. I was wondering what to do with them!
Cute picture. Silly Indigo! I offered some pumpkin to Apache and she acted like I was trying to poison her. lol!
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