Last weekend I was at can-am. I always meet up with Zoe and Gerry there and we share a few long moments talking about all the amazing things bitless have done for the horse world.
We talk about training horses, re-training horses, riding in bits and most importantly riding without them. Someplace along the lines here as a coach and distributor of their wonderful bitless bridles we talked about different trade shows and horseback vacation spots that rode their horses bitless and me coming along, expenses paid.
Vacation you say!?
Riding horses you say!?
Of course!
What else?

(All images property of the Slieve aughty center)
I am so excitedly(is that a word?) pleased to announce I am going as a vacationer/writer to document this trip and ride along with them myself!
I just wanted to get my plane ticket in order before I told you all!
SEVEN DAYS! In Ireland! Riding horses bitless! Taking pictures! IN IRELAND! We are also going to have an interdressage competition where Karina will be present, awarding rosettes and possibly a trophy.
Pinch me I might be dreaming! But I bought the plane ticket so my bank account says I am not!
Pinch me anyway.
Again please?
Ok really I musn't be dreaming. I bruise easy.
From the 17th-24th of May I will be traveling here to Dublin Ireland for a week to document this incredible bitless journey.
I.just.can't.wait. I already started counting the days.
The only problem is in order for me to leave for a week, especially over oceans, I need to do almost two months of preparation *shoot me now*
I need:
People to take care of the places I work which equates into about 15 different people I need to contact.
Someone to take care of the horses. God forbid Indigo go without a good grooming and cookie feeding. She also likes her straw fluffed every two days so she has one day to lie in poo and make lovely stains, despite the fact that half the shed does have clean staw in it where she could lay.
To find another 4-H leader for the horse club. See the parade of horse breeds is when I will be away. It's a BIIIIG deal. I pretty much run the club of 31 kids this year by myself. And you adults say that 21 year olds are not responsible. Why I outta.
Get a bazillion, million other things done.
The trip is a month and then some away and I am already rolling my eyes thinking of all the stuff I need to fix before I leave. I think I might take on too much responsibility for one person. If I didn't have so much to do I am sure I would be getting into trouble though.
Oh and I need to mention I will be doing daily updates on this blog with tons of pictures wile I am in Ireland, riding, bitless. The bitless horse blog has been chosen as the host blog for the trip! How exciting. This whole thing just blows my mind. How lucky could one girl get? I guess it's from all my 2009 bad luck.
By the way, do they really jump stone wall jumps on horses in Ireland like the movies? Cause I would totally be up to jumping a big stone wall with a honest horse. Is there such a thing as leprechauns? Because I have a feeling I have some sort of hidden childhood fear of nightmares involving squat, ginger men clad in green. Is the beer always green there or am I just having flashbacks of St.Patrick's day?
So there you have it, good news!
Oh WOW, that sounds like a dream vacation!!! Did you win the lottery or something? Talk about dreams come true...
Did I tell you how jealous I am?
LOL I have been hearing that from horse people and non horse people alike. It's a dream vacation for sure. Next stop Australia though! For sure I gotta visit the place my grandfather lived and what I was named for after all. Why can't May come quicker?
That is so very exciting!!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear all about it!
What an amazing trip and experience! Hope you get everything organized before you's hard to leave on such a big trip when you have so many responsibilities. You'll get everything done and it will be so worth it! I'm sure your updates and blogging from leprechaun-land will be fabulous! :)
Sydney~ That is awesome!! I cannot wait to read and see the pictures from your journey!! I'm glad your
"taking" us with you!! Congrats, I'm so excited for you!!
That is amazing - that is huge news! Can't wait for the reports!
As I said on my blog - This is one of my Bucket List items!
I'm soooo excited for you!
Go ~ Enjoy yourself ~ tell us ALL ABOUT IT!!!
Give us a good review of the company/farm hosting this event!
A dream come true! Lots of pictures, take lots of pictures.
Congratulations and enjoy.
Sydney!!! May 17th you say, well, you must take me with you! That's my birthday! I'll help you carry all your stuff and help with pictures too...LOL
WOW girl that's a trip of a lifetime! How exciting, that should give you an adrenalin rush more than a Blue Heron flying up out of a creek!!!
Oh, yea, you better take lots and lots of pictures for all of us to see! We wanna ride along with ya! :-D
That is so incredible!!!!!!! You're right . . . I might just be a teeny tiny GINORMOUS amount envious! Wow to ride horses in Ireland and write and take pictures of it all is like a dream come true!! Have tons of fun and I hope you can get everything sorted out in time. I don't have even a quarter of your responsibility and I feel like it's a big deal getting things taken care of when I go away. :)
woohoo! That is going to be so much fun! Good luck on all the arrangements. Sounds like you have a lot of roots ( I do too).
When you finally get there you will have to drink a Guinness for us!
How exciting!! I am so jealous but am equally looking forwarded your blogs about it!
Super jealous. I've been to Ireland once already to ride x-country. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I want to go back!!! Have fun and take lots and lots of pictures of the beautiful green country!
You have fun esp when the horse splashes in the water. I don't have luck with the horse. They refuse to move when I am on them. The terrible husband says I am too heavy. Others say I am too nervous.
Sydney that is just marvelous, what a great experience you will have.Remember when you said - when you do nice things for people it comes back to you......must be true, couldn't happen to a nicer person.I will be expecting to see lots of pics from Ireland....that's if you will find time to keep us poor folks at home up to date.
What an awesome opportunity! That will be an experience, for sure. ENJOY! And I hope you can get all your "in the meantime" help lined out O.K. :)
Congratulations! That is awesome!! Galway is absolutely gorgeous. Hopefully you'll get a chance to drive the Ring of Kerry while you're out that way. Have a Guiness and Harp for me! :)))
Oh, happy day! Congrats to you Sydney :)
Ireland is so beautiful! You will have a fantastic time and return with a lifetime of memories!
xo, misha
Wow! How amazing! What an exciting opportunity for you!
I couldn't be happier for you...and I'm thrilled that you plan to share all the details with us.
You're going to have a blast!
Don't worry about all the planning details. They'll work themselves out as you get closer.
Ummmmm, you know what I was thinking? (Yeh, I know. What a dangerous thing to do)
You really should take me along so I can take photographs of you riding bitless and exploring Ireland.
I'm serious.
I can fly for free to Ireland with my airline employee pass.
I'm not kidding. Really!
And I just happen to be free that week. :-)
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