Being a Leo and born in the year of the dragon I have a natural tendency to like heat rather than cold. Fire has always captured my attention.
This Sunday stills is brought to you by my camera remote and tripod. It is dedicated to the eyebrows and what knuckle hair I singed for these shots.
I hope you don't have to tattoo your eye brow to replace the ones that got singed.
Wow, it's amazing what bloggers go through sometimes to get that "shot".
Cool series!
This why I like Sunday stills so much :) Amazing shots! :D
Well done Sydney. I used the smoke from blowing out a candle, but I like yours better!
Hey Dragon Lady,
I'm glad you didn't burn anything else while getting these cool shots :D
great pictures, Sydney!
Wow! These are cool!
Excellent shots!!
What things we do to get the shot..well done:)
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