This cemetery is the Glendalough cemetery, round tower, Saint Kevins church, cathedral and many, many gravestones. It was established in the 6th century! I guess these buildings and graves have withstood the test of time.
These intricately carved gravestones are works of art, towering many feet over my head.
Although not a stature or figurine the round tower and St.Kevins church are quite impressive.
For more statues and figurines check out Sunday stills
Very interesting and different. great job!
Sooooo where are the Statues or figurines? Cool pics though.
Cool post, I also liked the Adventures in Ink.
Ed: Theres more "empty" gravestones here than ones that are markers for the dead. There was stuff written on them in Irish about the potato famine. No dead bodies there. Plus the last grave had a statue in front of it. It was the only "modern" looking grave it was kinda creepy.
Cool post :) Nice shots too
Dan and I "enjoy" going through old cemetaries. When we were at Land Between the Lakes (Kentucky) there were many old cemetaries to wander through. Many of them were graves of babies or children who didn't even reach 3 years of age. The experts figure there are at least 200 more undiscovered old cemetaries in that area.
Nice post!
Those crosses are great works of art..close enough to a statue for me..well done:)
I love the old cemeteries; such beautiful markers!
beautiful cemetary! I like all the cross pictures.
I absolutely love old cemeteries, too! I think the prettiest one I ever went to was one in Savannah, Georgia. These are great pics!! :)
Nice set of photos, looks like a nice place to visit.
Great pictures!!!
Excellent pics! So rich in history.
that tower is impressive, and built with stone! The carvings and the tombstones are definitely sculptures.
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