Emo gas station in Ireland. I do believe this was cheap gas there, we should not complain. I don't even think in the real peak of gas last year I paid $1.35 even. Everyone drives tiny cars there anyway.

Slieve Aughty centre's sign. The house in the background is their large guest house that is not finished.
Gerry and Zoe are the two next to it.

Saturday my friend Keri and her sister, mother and I went to the old amusement park and now resort island
Boblo Island.
There were a lot of old ruins from the park when it closed about 20 years ago. I still remember going there for some sort of show when I was little and going inside the lighthouse I do believe.Luckily someone before us came around and knocked a few doors in so we got to explore. We got to walk inside the old theater it was really cool and yet creepy and an old church. I think next weekend we are going to go over there and go swimming on their beach called white sands.
It was a beautiful week despite being a little high in temperature for this time of year. Crops are being planted, tractors a chugging. This little sleepy hick town has officially come alive. Next thing I know and it will be the fair. Where does the time go?
gas is still very cheap in USA,
When i was there in the 70s, everyone drove big cars.
"hick town"? I did not know we had any.
Very cool, do the emloyees of Emo dress in black and depressed..:-)
Yes, we should definitely not complain about gas. With one gallon = 3.78 liters their gas price in gallons would be $5.17 per gallon! I would take over $150to fill my truck!
It's that way all over Europe, too. Americans are very spoiled, even when it gets to be over $3 per gallon!
It's interesting to see the different logos and signs in other countries.
Thanks for sharing,
That barge looks really kind of cool.
If gas was $5.17 a gallon more people would be hoofing it. Actually I don't mind the price going up because it does make people stop and think about how and what they are driving.
Nice post, I really enjoyed your photos from Ireland, some of them were so fantasy like..... very cool.
LoLz! I was on bob-lo on Friday. I have photo's of the ferry logo. When I saw what you posted I though HEY!! But, I decided to do something a bit different. I might just edit my post and do it anyway. Good stuff.
Your one and only Creeper Aunt.
Did you say boblo island is a resort? We took our boys there before it closed. I didn't know it was open to look around. Pretty neat stuff.
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