Boy do I have landscapes.
After I got off the plane I had to sit around the Dublin Airport for a few hours until Zoe and Gerry showed up. I waited and waited until Merel finally showed up to tell me that their flight was delayed and they wouldn't be around for another few hours. She asked me if I wanted to take a walk. Of course I did. I didn't know exactly what was in store but I was not disappointed.
We hiked
and hiked
and hiked some more, finding ruins along the way

We hiked up. You can see the ruins down there.
And up

Up more

Looking down, I forgot to take a picture of this bridge.

We were far up. If you look at that first picture, we hiked up the right side then up the left where we were when I took this picture of Merel.
Looking back down at the lake.

Here are the ruins again.

This is the path we walked up way down there. You couldn't see it zig zagged quite as much from the bottom of the walk. It was particularly hard because the pathes were very rocky and had large stones you had to climb up and over.

A beautiful green cliffside

The lake, you can see the parking lot waaaaaay down there.
Where the river runs into the lake.

In total this walk was about 3 and a half hours and a ton of fun. It looks like our Canadian sunshine followed us here, there's been barely any rain but at night one day. Good thing because I forgot my raincoat.
glad you had a great time, come to New Zealand next time?
Way cool shots..:-)
Great shots. :)
Fabulous scenery. The last shot is my fave. That's one heck of a hike you took!
Very beautiful, makes you feel like you are on top of the world looking down, way cool!
JEALOUS!!!!!! I look at your beautiful pictures and can't help but think that there is a God and he has blessed this earth with so much beauty. Enjoy your trip and I'd love to see more of these pictures.
Woo! Spectacular shots - thanks for the virtual trip (I needed a break :o)
Gorgeous shots :D Your pics reminds me of Cader Idris in Snowdonia!
What a grand way to spend a few hours and stretch your legs!
I'm amazed that such beautiful hiking trails are so close to the airport, too. What a fantastic way to burn a few hours....enjoying nature and stretching your legs and working those lungs.
Much better than sitting around waiting in an airport, eh? :)
Great photos!
Amazing! What a wonderful thing to get to do while having to just wait! All are very beautiful photos!
Your creeper Aunt is all choked up here. I'm so happy for you. Savour every moment Syd.
I've never been to Ireland in the spring, only the fall. Are there really all those hundred, or whatever, shades of green?
Wow!!!!!! 'nuff said!
That is so beautiful! Glad you're having a good time.
Ireland!! great place and cheers to the 1st 2 photos.
What a beautiful country! Amazing shots too!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Gorgeous scenery!
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