I love the vibrant colour and detail in this macro. Completely unedited.
Secondly was one of my best friends wedding today. Amanda and Mikey. This was their table with their awesome green colours and green flowers. All images are SOTC, strait out of the camera/just converted from RAW to JPG because I just got home. Some of the lighting inside the tent was less than favorable and I forgot my external flashes.
It was kind of a shotgun wedding. (bad, unedited picture, but you get the point)

They love eachother like a fat kid loves cake.
They are goofy.
Totally meant for each other.
I wish them a very happy life together.
Amanda is two months pregnant. I am pretty sure shes going to eat her young. Or at least most of the strawberries on the appetizer table.
Tomorrow I am off to Ireland. I have so much to do still and haven't really even started packing. I got my tall boots, two pairs of riding gloves and some pants and lots of socks. Thats the important stuff right? I think maybe I should hire someone to be my assistant and do half of the million things I always seem to have to do all at once.
Keep checking back for posts on the beautiful, green Irish countryside and lots of bitless riding.
yes, very vibrent indeed. I liked the wedding table settings...simple but seems to be very romantic in true sense
that flower is gorgeous! & well done on the wedding photos..very nice
That was very nice, thanks for sharing, I love my Nikon!
Nice pics Sydney. What are those flowers on the head table I have seen them before but don't know what they are.Have a great trip, I look forward to seeing photos and hearing about it when you get back.
Love all the shots...your models were very cooperative!
Vibrant it is! Nice shot :D
Looks like it was a fun wedding, and I send my wishes for a long and happy marriage for them. Have fun in Ireland, and don't forget to pack a raincoat!
That's a gorgeous wedding table setting! SOTC or not...perfect to me. LOL...all of my shots are always SOTC!
Your friends look very blessed with each other...great couple!
Beautiful macro - the wedding table too. What is the flower?
The wedding looked like fun!
beautiful wedding! very vibrant color on the first flower. yes, love the table setting too.
Agreed that the first shot is great!
fist that is a pretty flower and very vibrant
second, that was a really pretty wedding and I loved your friends wedding gown. I wish them the best in their "new" life together. They look like they have a lot of fun together and that makes a life together all the better.
And..you will be the second blogger I read that will be in Ireland this week! The other lady left last week sometime. It would be so wild if the two of you were crossing paths over there. I'll have to compare blog posts too see. Have a fun adn safe trip!
Love the first pic. It's gorgeous. I laughed at your comment about your friend. My mom always said I would eat my young!
Have fun!! I can't wait to see all your photos and follow your trip.
That is a beautiful flower!
Honestly I don't remember the name of the first flower and the second ones are silk from believe it or not, the dollar store.
All great pictures. I love the flower for it clarity and color.
That's a beautiful wildflower and an especially fun wedding!
Have a fantastyk trip to Ireland!!!!
Sydney...that is gorgeous, your first flower with your new camera!
That couple too...how cute are they!
OH...Whoosh..have a wonderful time of Ireland!!!
For those asking the name of the first flower I think it is a Coreopsis, but I'm not positive. Coreopsis come in many different variety's and colours. The most common colour is yellow. Beautiful photo's Sydney. You make a great wedding photographer because you bring out the crazy in people. I hear that the volcano is acting up again. Hope it does not effect your return flight home. LOVE you and have fun in Ireland.
Looks like a fun wedding! The first photo is beautiful. I'm pretty sure it's a cosmo.
Nice flower shot, sharp vibrant colors. The wedding looks like fun too.
Beautiful pics. Interesting couple. I wish I could have been your assistant. Poo!
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