Your ass might get fat.
Har har har. I crack myself up.
But seriously. I really do want a cute fat ass now. This is Chester from a local farm I was visiting on the weekend for a horse show. He backed right up to me when I sat down. I guess he knows who's a sucker for ass scratchings.
Be careful when picking an ass.
donks are great! We have several at the farm I board at. One looks like that one too, but she is pregnant! Eeek!
Awww... That's a cute ass :)) I actually want a mini mule, with a cart. I have no idea, but I think a mini-mule would the da bomb LOL!
Yikes. That ass needs to cut down on the carbs.
I yucked a bit of my A-- off! Funny!
Cute ass but way tooooo fat! I don't let Pokey get too much to eat, I don't want a fat ass!
I love my little donkey, he is so do need one, they are lots of fun!!! :-D
Donkeys are the best!
Too bad you are so far away. I have a little donkey that needs a new home.
Last year we were making a deal on a dump truck and I looked over to see Tom hugging the yearling donkey at the guy's place. She was the sweetest donkey, good thing she wasn't for sale!
Several years ago, my Dad adopted a "wild out west" burro and it was the cutest darn thing. The two of them got along very well and it was a sad time when Dad got to the point where he couldn't take care of the little guy anymore.
What a cute ass!
Awww! Me, too. I wish our neighbors would let me because I would be so happy to have a little burro of my own. Personally I think horses make much more noise when they are calling for their friends, than donkeys do when braying.
Poor Chester! Holy cow, he really is a fat ass. He must have been extremely thankful to you for the ass scratch. :)
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